Computer Spanish – 156 Common Words

1 July, 2022 | Spanish tips

Computer Spanish: essential computer vocabulary in Spanish that you need to know

A brief guide to the Spanish-speaking world of computing.

If you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s likely that sooner or later you’ll use a computer, probably to access the internet so you can study or work.

Understanding computer vocabulary in Spanish is often surprisingly easy.

This is because many tech-related English words have been adopted into Spanish.

In addition, there’s an extensive list of scientific vocabulary that comes from Latin and Greek (many Spanish words have Latin or Greek roots).

This computer vocabulary is constantly evolving and changing, and some people are opposed to the use of English words in Spanish.

For example, a computer mouse is sometimes referred to as a “mouse” and other times as a “ratón” (“mouse” in Spanish).

Computer words are used in different ways according to the context and the person.

You’ll see references to both “la Internet” (because the word “red” (“network”) is feminine) and “el Internet” (because new words in Spanish are typically masculine by default).

What’s more, “Internet” is often left uncapitalised: “internet”.

If you use the following list of computer and internet terms, keep the above points in mind.

All the terms given here are used somewhere by Spanish speakers. However, the choice of the word depends on the location and preference of each speaker.

In some cases, there are variants or alternative spellings that we haven’t included in this list.

Finally, English words related to technology tend to retain their English pronunciation or something close to it.

Español informático en Maus School

List of computing terms in Spanish

Abrir un archivo existente = to open an existing file

Acceder a Internet = to access the internet

Acceso Seguro = secure access

Actividad del blogger = blogger activity

Administrador web = web administrator

Alfombrilla para ratón = mouse mat

Alojamiento = hosting

Alta definición / Alta resolución = high definition / high resolution

Altavoces = speakers

Altavoz = speaker


Añadir a favorito = to add to favourites

Aplicación = application


Archivo / Archivo adjunto = file / attached file

Arrastrar y soltar = to drag and drop

Arroba = @

Atajo de teclado = keyboard shortcut

Auricular de audio = earphone


Barra de desplazamiento = scrollbar

Barra invertida / Barra inversa /Barra oblicua = backslash

Base de datos = database

Blog / Bloguear /Bloguero / bloguera = blog/ blogger

Botón (por ejemplo botón del ratón) = button

Buscador = search engine

Buzón correo = inbox



Caché = cache

Caja = box

Captura de pantalla = screenshot

Cargar = to charge

Chatear = to chat

Clic / Cliquear / Picar / Pinchar / Hacer clic = to click

Código de acceso = access code

Colgarse / bloquearse = to crash / to lock

Computadora / Equipo informático / Ordenador / Ordenador portátil / Ordenador para videojuegos / PC de sobremesa = computer / IT systems / computer / laptop / gaming PC / desktop

Conectar = to connect

Conector = connector

Conexión = connection

Contraseña = password

Controlador = driver

Copiar = to copy

Correo electrónico / Correo basura = email / spam

Cortafuegos = firewall

Cortar / Cortar y pegar = copy / copy & paste


Crear un nuevo archivo = to create a new file

Crear una carpeta nueva = to create a new folder



Descarga / Descargar / Descarga illegal = download / to download / illegal download

Desconectar / Desconexión = to disconnect / disconnection

Desenchufar = to unplug

Desplazarse hacia abajo / Desplazarse hacia arriba = scroll down / scroll up

Digitalizar / Escanear = to scan

Dirección de IP = IP address

Directorio = directory

Disco duro / Disco duro externo = hard drive / external hard drive

Documento impreso = printed document

Dominio = domain

Editor de texto = text editor

En línea = online

Encender = to switch on

Enlace / vínculo = link

Enviar= to send

Escritorio= desk

Exportar = to export

Externo = external

Fallo = error

Favorito = favourite

Formatear = to format

Fuente = source

Fuente de alimentación = power supply

Fusionar = to merge

Grabadora = voice recorder

Guardar como = save as

Hacker informático = hacker

Herramientas = tools

Hilo = thread

Hipervínculo = hyperlink

Hoja de cálculo = spreadsheet

Icono = icon

Importar = to import

Impresora = printer

Imprimir = to print

Inalámbrico = wireless

Informática = computing

Ingeniero informático= IT Engineer

Iniciar = to start

Insertar= to insert



La Red = the web

Lector / Lector de documentos = document reader

Lector DVD/CD = DVD/CD player

Marcador = bookmark


Megahercio = megahertz

Memoria / Memoria flash / Memoria USB = memory / flash memory / USB

Memoria Ram = RAM

Micrófono = microphone

Monitor / Motor de búsqueda = monitor / search engine

Navegador / Navegador web / Navegar / Navegar por la Red = web browser

Nombre de dominio = domain name

Ocultar = to hide

Página de inicio = home page

Página web = web page

Página Web / Un sitio de Internet = web page / website

Palabra clave = keyword

Panel de control = control panel

Pantalla / Pantalla digital = screen / digital screen

Parámetros de privacidad = privacy settings

Peer to peer

Pegar = to paste

Periféricos = computer peripheral

Placa Base = motherboard

Plataforma = platform

Política de privacidad = privacy policy

Preguntas frecuentes / Preguntas más frecuentes = frequently asked questions

Procesador = processor

Programa / Programa gratuito = programme / free programme

Programa informático = computer programme

Publicación en línea = online publication

Puerto = port

Puerto USB = USB port

Pulsar = to push

Ratón = mouse

Recibir = to receive

Red informática = network

Red social = social media

Reenviar = to forward

Registrador = processor register

Reiniciar = to restart

Salvapantalla = screensaver

Sistema Operativo (S.O) = operating system

Sitio web = website


Tarjeta = card

Tarjeta Gráfica = graphics card

Tecla = key

Teclado = keyboard

Teléfono inteligente = smartphone

Terminos y condiciones = terms and conditions

Torre = tower

Usuario = user

Ventana / Ventana emergente = window / popup

Ventilador = fan



Virus Caballo de Troya = trojan horse virus

Visor = image viewer

Visualización = visualisation



Learn the essentials of computer Spanish quickly with this list of common computer and internet terms.

It’s useful if you’ve got an exam coming up or if you want to enrich and improve your Spanish vocabulary so you can express yourself better when writing and speaking.

If you want to find out more, take a look at our online and in-person courses at

Español informático en Maus School



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